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In 1997 Creator/Writer/Director Jan-Willem Bult (Netherlands) was appointed Head of Children & Youth programming at KRO Netherlands Public Broadcasting.

He analyzed that children played a marginal role in TV and film productions and if so they were often kept far away from authenticity and autonomy.

Programmes were often targeted to satisfy parents and therefore political correct, whilst kids are interested in and learn from anarchy in content. 

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In 1998 Bult created a new policy for the Dutch broadcaster entitled 'Kinderen Centraal' (Children in the Centre / Niñxs en el Centro / Kinder im Zentrum).

It was the start of a revolutionary and multiple awarded new approach to the creation and production of children's media and it became the foundation of a movement and method to deeper connect with children in audiovisual and expand creativity. Already presented in more than 60 countries worldwide and changed the media landscape in many countries around the world.

Since 2005 Bult works together with Creator/Producer/Journalist Aldana Duhalde (Argentina).

With a group of Latinamerican producers, broadcasters, institutions and children's film festival they co-founded ALA, Alianza Latinoamericano, a cooperation to share knowledge and exchange programmes in the continent.

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Since 2005 Bult works together with Creator/Producer/Journalist Aldana Duhalde (Argentina).

With a group of Latinamerican producers, broadcasters, institutions and children's film festivals they co-founded ALA, Alianza Latinoamericano, a cooperation to share knowledge and exchange programmes in the continent.

Bult and Duhalde are also partners of the bi-annual 'Oscars of children's television' Prix Jeunesse International that promotes quality children's media worldwide through festivals and workshops. 

And since 2016 Bult and Duhalde are the trainers of WADADA News for Kids, a crossmedia network of currently 21 countries in Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia that produce and distribute tailor-made news for children and youth.

The Children in the Centre method became the basis for these trainings of media professionals.


Nowadays Bult and Duhalde offer a range of trainings, workshops and lectures within the Children in the Centre method:


Bult and Duhalde are also partners of the bi-annual 'Oscars of children's television' Prix Jeunesse International that promotes quality children's media worldwide through festivals and workshops. 

And since 2016 Bult and Duhalde are the trainers of WADADA News for Kids, a crossmedia network of currently 21 countries in Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia that produce and distribute tailor-made news for children and youth.

The Children in the Centre method became the basis for these trainings of media professionals.


Nowadays Bult and Duhalde offer a range of trainings, workshops and lectures within the Children in the Centre method:


1-Day Children in the Centre lecture

incl. introduction to the method, child psychology, target groups, genres and case studies of fiction and non-fiction works 

1-Day Preschool lecture

incl. child psychologie, image, sound, case studies of non-fiction works 

1-Day youthdocumentary seminar

incl. introduction of non-fiction for children and youth, research, casting, writing, the production (filming, editing) of 15' youthdocumentaries

3-Day Preschool.doc® workshop

incl. introduction of media for preschoolers, casting, the production (filming, editing) of 2'30" preschool.doc's

NEW 6 classes Postgrade course

incl. Prix Jeunesse suitcase workshop, introduction Children in the Centre, writing, casting, directing, editing, sound

5-Day WADADA News for Kids training

incl. introduction to Children in the Centre, news, journalism, interview, casting, the production (filming, editing) of a headline news story

Further to that they offer consultancies on:

• creativity, idea development

• script writing, script doctoring

• casting, research, interview children and youth

• sound, music, editing, mixing

• imaging, vfx, camera, design

• production, organization

• editing, post-production

• programming, scheduling, distribution

• crossmedia, transmedia strategy

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